Les enjeux des stéréotypes de l’apparence physique de la femme française, polonaise et allemande en contexte de rencontre interculturelle de jeunes. Une étude comparative
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The stereotypes issue of the french, polish and german woman's physical appearance in the context of youth intercultural meeting.</strong><strong> A comparative study</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;"> </p><p style="text-align: justify;">This article focuses on the contents and the operations of stereotypes and the physical appearance of french, polish and german women, in the context of intercultural meetings of young people. The physical stereotypes, which are often in sharp contradictions with the appearance of participants can remain by the youth, as evidenced by the activities on stereotypes provided during the meetings. Although stereotypes are often viewed as harmful to the understanding between cultures, they play a role through their cognitive and affective dimensions in the recognition of national identities and cultures and are a gateway to cultural otherness.</p>
Viviand, A. (2011). Les enjeux des stéréotypes de l’apparence physique de la femme française, polonaise et allemande en contexte de rencontre interculturelle de jeunes. Une étude comparative. Romanica Wratislaviensia, 58, 105–118. Consulté à l’adresse https://wuwr.pl/rwr/article/view/3730