
Vol. 62 No. 1 (2024)

Exploring Task-Based Learning of L2 English Formulaic Sequences from an Intra- and Inter-Individual Perspective

Pages: 87-106



This study aimed to find out which of the three tasks, summarizing (SUM), discussion (DIS) or retelling (RT), was more effective in teaching L2 English formulaic sequences to a group of Polish teenagers. In so doing, 108 EFL learners were assigned to one of the three groups: SUM (n = 36), DIS (n = 36), and RT (n = 36) and followed a three-week-long task-based intervention which was similar for all the participants apart from the target task. At the inter-individual level, the statistical analysis revealed progress but no significant differences in achievement between the three groups. A further analysis at the intra-individual level, following the principles of Complex Dynamic Systems Theory, revealed that each learner displayed unique progress and regression patterns.


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