Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak, University of Wrocław, Poland
ORCID: 0000-0003-2708-1552
Marcin Tereszewski (University of Wrocław, Poland) marcin.tereszewski@uwr.edu.pl
Bożena Rozwadowska (University of Wrocław, Poland) bozena.rozwadowska@uwr.edu.pl / Linguistics
Marek Kuźniak (University of Wrocław, Poland) marek.kuzniak@uwr.edu.pl / Translation Studies
Anna Michońska-Stadnik (University of Wrocław, Poland) anna.michonska-stadnik@uwr.edu.pl / Second Language Acquisition Studies
Dominika Ferens (University of Wrocław, Poland) dominika.ferens@uwr.edu.pl / American Literature and Culture
Anna Budziak (University of Wrocław, Poland) budziaka@gmail.com / English Literature
Michał Szawerna (University of Wrocław, Poland) michal.szawerna@uwr.edu.pl / Multimodality Studies
Agata Zarzycka (University of Wrocław, Poland) agata.zarzycka@uwr.edu.pl / Game Studies
Teresa Bruś (University of Wrocław, Poland) teresa.brus@uwr.edu.pl / Life-Writing
University of Wrocław
Institute of English Studies
ul. Kuźnicza 22
50-138 Wrocław, Poland
Editorial Assistant: Marcin Tereszewski