- Anglica Wratislaviensia is as an open-access peer-reviewed international forum for scholars working on English-language literature and culture. We invite submissions that offer innovative critical approaches to all periods and aspects of literary and cultural texts. We also encourage research that offers a comparative perspective on fiction, poetry, life writing, drama, graphic novels and comics, film and the new media, the visual arts, and cultural history. We are interested in research that appears under the umbrella categories of transdisciplinary studies, transnational American studies, and area studies.
- We invite submissions in linguistics which are either theoretically oriented or data-oriented. All levels of language description and all subfields of contemporary linguistics are accepted with no preference for a particular model of language as long as the reported research is related to the English language or is cross-linguistic in nature. The journal is also open to all areas of applied linguistics (including translation studies, corpus linguistics, computational linguistics, lexicography and EFL). The papers should be related in one way or another to English or to methodologies developed in the English speaking linguistic community.
- We welcome theoretical and empirical research reports on learning and teaching English as a second or foreign language in instructed and noninstructed settings, English teachers’ education and development, material design and evaluation. The contributions can take the form of original research articles.
Anglica Wratislaviensia publishes selected review articles and reviews of recently published monographs.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0301-7966
e-ISSN: 2957-2339

University of Wrocław
Institute of English Studies
ul. Kuźnicza 22
50-138 Wrocław, Poland
Editorial Assistant: Marcin Tereszewski
EBSCO Information Services
MLA Directory of Periodicals
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN)
The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities