
Vol. 62 No. 1 (2024)

Older Adult EFL Learners’ Readiness for Autonomous Language Learning

Pages: 149-167



Learner-centred education has emphasized the significance of learner autonomy in language learning over the past forty years. Currently, the literature on the topic implies that cultural and educational environments affect autonomous learning perception and practice, therefore students’ readiness must be examined before creating autonomous learning activities. Given the scarcity of studies, the purpose of this research is to shed light on the issue of whether older adult learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) are ready for learner autonomy. To achieve this goal, the present study collected responses from sixty-five EFL learners, aged between sixty and eighty-six. The data were obtained through a questionnaire consisting of five sections: background information, views on teacher and student responsibilities, decision-making skills, motivation, and autonomous activities both within and outside the classroom. Furthermore, eight voluntary EFL learners participated in the follow-up interviews. The analysis involved utilizing descriptive statistics from the questionnaire replies, as well as interpreting the interview data. The findings revealed that Turkish older adult EFL learners exhibited a limited degree of readiness for autonomous language learn- ing, despite their notable levels of enthusiasm and eagerness to improve their English proficiency.


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