Zbiory ekslibrisów w Muzeum im. Przypkowskich w Jędrzejowie


  • Barbara Szornel-Dąbrowska


Exlibris collections at the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów


In his private collection, and from 1962 at the Przypkowski Museum, Tadeusz Przypkowski 1905–1977, historian of art, gnomist, bibliophile and collector, amassed a substantial number of exlibris. The authors of these small forms were nationally and internationally known as the graphic artists who used various techniques. A collection of about two hundred bookplates contains Tadeusz Przypkowski’s heraldic linocut exlibris. The museum also has collected extensive literature on the history of exlibris, their authors and graphic techniques used to make them. In addition, as an organiser of and participant in many international congresses, Tadeusz Przypkowski collected materials documenting these events. His international contacts made it possible for him to assemble a collection of periodicals devoted to exlibris. They are sent to Jędrzejów from time to time by bibliophilic organisations from all over the world. Przypkowski’s exlibris collections are a valuable source for researchers of the history of the bookplate itself and of its authors. Amassed for many years, they do require, however, professional analysis and selection, as well as dissemination of information about them.


