Prawne aspekty udostępniania zbiorów graficznych do reprodukcji


  • Emilia Ilska


Legal aspects of making graphics collections available for reproduction


Collections of graphic works continue to attract interest of publishers. Their richness and variety inspire numerous publications. However, there are various legal regulations that have to be taken into account when such works are to be reproduced. First, all publishers must conform to the Act on Copyright and Related Rights in all their plans. The present author discusses the object of copyright, the content of both personal and proprietary rights as well as such problems as “Mortmain fund”, “orphaned works” and Creative Commons. She also analyses in detail the role of the organisation that collectively manages copyright. In the case of graphic collections, this role is played by the Association of Polish Artists and Designers, which – according to its statutory objectives, obligations and rights, as well as a decision of the Minister of Culture and Art – is to protect copyright and process royalty claims of authors of graphic works in all artistic disciplines. The second group of provisions concerns the legal aspects of reproduction of graphic collections held by libraries, galleries, museums and archives, especially with regard to works on which the copyright has already expired. In such a case, these works can be made available for publication in accordance with internal regulations of these institutions. The solutions in question are examined mainly on the basis of practices followed by various institutions in Wrocław.


