Ilustracje w ogólnych słownikach języka polskiego
Illustrations in the General Dictionaries of the Polish Language
The article presents the most important assumptions for the use of illustrations including lexicographic perspective in a monolingual dictionary and discusses selected solutions employed in three illustrated dictionaries of the Polish language: M. Arcta słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego Warsaw: published by Wydawnictwo M. Arcta, ed. 1: 1916, ed. 2: 1925, ed. 3: 1929, Ilustrowany słownik języka polskiego Warsaw: published by PWN, ed. 1: 1999, ed. 2: 2004 and Ilustrowany słownik podstawowy języka polskiego Kraków: published by Universitas, ed. 1: 1999, ed. 2: 2005. The illustrations were analysed in terms of their form and content with special emphasis placed on their cognitive features. The resulting conclusions are concerned with the manner and degree of the use of their potential. Several conclusions concerning the reception of illustrated dictionaries of the Polish language for adult readers were formulated on the basis of forewords, publishers’ and reviewers’ notes.