Tradycyjne typologie dokumentów jako narzędzie analizy i charakterystyki naukowych zasobów sieciowych


  • Małgorzata Góralska


Traditional typologies of documents as tools for analysing and describing scientific web resources

Given the revolutionary changes currently taking place in social communication, it becomes extremely important to study new media phenomena as well as to describe and categorise them. With regard to internet resources used in scientific communication, one of the possible strategies is verification to what extent new internet forms and genres correspond to traditional typologies of documents. The article provides a description of the result of a preliminary analysis of this phenomenon, an analysis covering the following categories: non-written e-documents visual, audio and audiovisual documents, written e-documents which acquire the status of publications as they become available digitally, which exist in the printed or manuscript form, which do not exist in the printed form, which do not have their printed equivalents, as well as primary, secondary and derivative e-documents.





