
Tom 1 (2023)

Epigramy 4, 4 i 6, 93 jako przykład autoinspiracji Marcjalisa

Strony: 47-61



The article presents Martial’s epigrams nos. 4.4 and 6.93, which form a mini-cycle. They share a common topic, the same motifs and an analogical form of a priamel. In both poems the bad scent of the protagonist (Bassa and Thais) is compared to other unpleasant smells. Among these comparisons there are certain recurring odours: sulphur, fish, goat, leather, dyed material and bad breath. The epigram 4.4 is built as a synthetic priamel, 6.93 is an analytical one. The comparison of this pair of epigrams with another mini-cycle 3.65 and 11.8 lead the author the conclusion that Martial imitates his earlier poems in the ones written later. This phenomenon may be called a peculiar imitatio et aemulatio.


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