
No. 6 (2023)

Conflict and family violence. A practitioner’s perspective

Pages: 7-19

PDF (Język Polski)


Despite cultural variations, family usually plays a key role in society. On the one hand, socio-cultural paradigms of family behaviour are created and evolve; on the other hand, these paradigms are verified through real family functioning. Comparisons between the paradigms and the actual state of affairs often reveal discrepancies between what is ideal and what is real. The spectrum ranges from families that provide sufficient support to their members and guarantee their proper development, including self-fulfillment, to families that are toxic, damaging and destructive. Examples of the latter include families marked by violence. Therapeutic interviews and research projects provide information about family pathologies. A variety of internal and external factors affect their functioning. The war launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine is an example of the drastic impact of the external context, which at the same time disrupts internal family life.


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