
No. 6 (2023)

Patterns of violence – in search of similarities and differences between the families of Polish and Ukrainian women (Lower Silesian case)

Pages: 21-43

PDF (Język Polski)


The article is concerned with a comparison of patterns of violence in the families of Polish and Ukrainian women in Wrocław and Lower Silesia in the context of refugee problems following Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The analysis deals with the phenomena of violence as perceived by women. The study includes in-depth interviews with women of Ukrainian nationality and three quantitative surveys with three target groups: people of Polish nationality from the Lower Silesia region, people of Ukrainian nationality currently residing in the Lower Silesia region, and women from families with known violence who are under the care of social workers of the municipality institutions of Wrocław. The models built on the data refer to perceived patterns of violent behaviour and the consequences of such behaviour. Three patterns are identified in both models: the scandalous/pre-violence pattern, the alcohol-violence or normal violence pattern, and full violence or unacceptable violence pattern. In the dimension of consequences, the following patterns are distinguished: the standard/normal pattern, the isolation pattern, and the criminal/pathological pattern.


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