
No. 6 (2023)

Domestic violence against women in the experience of Ukrainian migrant women

Pages: 114-136

PDF (Język Polski)


Gender-based domestic violence remains a significant and complex problem in Ukraine, despite ongoing legal changes. The patriarchal culture, the associated rigid gender role divisions and gender stereotypes continue to be its important determinants. The aim of this article is to present the experiences of domestic violence in the lives of Ukrainian migrant women who arrived in Poland after 25th February 2022: to reconstruct the varied violent behaviours (constituting psychological, physical and economic violence) displayed by men towards women and to establish the extent and strength of control exercised by men resulting from the role-play scenario. On the basis of the research material obtained, this control can be seen on a continuum – from weak, acceptable and sometimes even justifiable, resulting from the differently defined family social roles of men and women and the acceptance of their unequal status within the family, to strong, unacceptable and not justifiable through references to social roles and gender norms related to patriarchal culture. The empirical basis is provided by the results of the qualitative research carried out in 2023 within the project “Patters of violence in Ukrainian families and their achoring in the axionormative structures of the Ukrainian population moving to Wrocław due to the armed conflict with the Russian Federation”.


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