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Tom 2 (2011): Wokół problemów socjologii edukacji i badań młodzieży

Rozpoznawanie uwarunkowań i skutków edukacji na podstawie teorii ukrytego programu

  • Wiktor Żłobicki
31 grudnia 2011


Recognition of conditions and the results of education, based on the theory of a hidden curriculum

An analysis of education from a sociological perspective is an example of interdisciplinary science. One of the effects of cooperation between sociologists and educationists is a concept referred to as a hidden curriculum. This is understood generally, as an educational program of which neither students or teachers are aware of. This is caused by the fact that educational institutions are not neutral and independent of political, economic, social or cultural circumstances. The result of many researchers work proves, that we deal with hidden curriculums not only in kindergartens, schools, universities and the education of handicapped people, but also in many areas of one social life.