The split identity of Cieszyn and the historical consciousness of young people
The aim of the article is to demonstrate that there are links between individual and collective historical memory, and sense of national identity. Comparative studies conducted in a Polish school in Cieszyn and in a school with Polish as the language of instruction in Český Těšín show that young people of Polish origin living in the Czech Republic are more interested in contemporary Polish culture and Poland’s past than young people from Cieszyn, Poland. They also feel a stronger connection to the history of the Duchy of Cieszyn. In addition, they are more likely to use the local dialect. A clear link has also been demonstrated between social/cultural capital and historical memory tradition of social behaviour associated with involvement in the work of non-governmental organisations. Young people from Český Těšín are interested in working for community organisations more than their peers from Cieszyn. On the other hand, the latter are more interested in cultural, sports and religious organisations.