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Tom 7 (2016): Dokumenty osobiste w doświadczeniach badawczych — od (auto)biografii do fikcji (nie)literackiej

Z idiograficzności zmagań z twórczością Andrzeja Stasiuka

  • Marcin Dębicki
28 czerwca 2017


On idiographism of the struggle with Andrzej Stasiuk’s output

The aim of the paper is to present a set of individual experience by the author of the article concerning the ways in which he has read out and interpreted the output of one of the most widely read contemporary Polish writer — Andrzej Stasiuk. The consideration is thus an attempt at recog­nizing and grasping one’s own approach that is the reason why idiographicity appears in the title to Stasiuk’s books; an attempt put within the frames of social sciences, treated here as theoretic­al-methodological background for these endeavors, as well as the researcher’s individual travelling practices obviously, filled with the writers’ inspirations. At the crossing point of these phenom­ena there appeared my own consideration on this literature, and the reconstruction of its course as well as its results in the form of some scientific publications concerning this prose became the point of departure for the article.