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Część II. Moda, design, upodobania kulinarne...

Tom 9 (2018): Wartości, moda, innowacje. Zachowania konsumenckie z perspektywy społecznej i ekonomicznej

„Pracuje w korytarzu, pisze po ścianach, a kąpiel bierze wśród kwiatów“, czyli obrazy mieszkań konsumentów w przekazie magazynów wnętrzarskich

  • Kamila Biskupska
17 kwietnia 2019


She works in the corridor, writes on the walls and takes a bath among flowers”, or images of consumer homes in the discourse of interior design magazines 


The article presents the requirements of a consumer society towards the living space of ideal consumers. The subject of the analysis are discursive constructions of apartments at the level of text and image present in the message of interior design magazines. Apartments defined in this way are referred to as aesthetic apartments. The main themes of the analysis conducted by the author are: the narrative of the message, the presentation of hosts as perfect consumers, indicators of “proper” consumption that are present in the living space and the process of individualization of consumer life in the created living space.