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Część III. Zmiany w konsumpcji w kontekście rozwoju nowych mediów...

Tom 9 (2018): Wartości, moda, innowacje. Zachowania konsumenckie z perspektywy społecznej i ekonomicznej

Wartości na sprzedaż. Budowanie wizerunku marki w mediach społecznościowych

  • Sławomir Mandes
  • Konstanty Strzyczkowski
17 kwietnia 2019


Values for sale: Building the brand image in social media 


The aim of our article is to analyze the mechanisms of value creation on the example of the brand promoted by Ewa Chodakowska, a popular fitness trainer, the owner of a company selling products and services related to physical activity. At the beginning, we describe the recent changes in marketing theory, with special emphasis on the concept of marketing 3.0. In the second part of the article, we analyze the material collected on Ewa Chodakowska’s Facebook page and recon­struct the language and symbolic mechanisms of linking brand activity to a specific value system. As a result, we show the process of objectivation of abstract content values under the supervision of Ewa Chodakowska’s brand.