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Vol. 1 (2010)

Między autorytaryzmem a demokracją. Pokoleniowy wymiar transformacji społeczno-politycznej w Polsce

  • Maria Zielińska
31 December 2010


<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify;"><strong>Between authoritarianism and democracy. The general dimension of socio-political transformation in Poland</strong></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: justify;">The main aim of the artible is the attempt to answering the question whether and to what extent current changes and differences of the youngest generations of the Poles in chosen analytic areas i.e. in the field of appearance of authoritarian mark, acceptation of democratic rules, attitudes to Communism and Socialism also as to chosen place on &bdquo;the left to right scale&rdquo; are indicative of permanent changes in social mentality and to what extent they can be basis for predicting the future character of society. This articel refers to the discussion on: 1 changes of chosen elements of social mentality which are important in development of democracy, 2 the role of the young generation in the creation of functional values in democratic society. The subject of analysis is Pole's youngest generations, i.e. Succesive year groups starting from those born in 1970. The empirical basis is data from four editions of the Polish General Social Survey. The observed changes of opinions and attitudes show: 1 considerably hesitations of opiniona according to political &bdquo;climate&rdquo;, 2 increase of appearance intensity of authoritarian features in the youngest Poles generation. This noticed changes in the author's opinion result from the overlapping of various processes of different genealogy. On the one hand we have the influence of the communism system exerted through the traditions of older generation and of the developing capitalism and young democracy, while on the other there is the impact of Catholicism and the Catholic church as an institution.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>