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Part IV. Consumption of services — new trends and consumer behavior

Vol. 9 (2018): Wartości, moda, innowacje. Zachowania konsumenckie z perspektywy społecznej i ekonomicznej

Konsumpcja usług w ramach miastotwórczej funkcji uzdrowisk

  • Michał Grzegorek
  • Wiesław Tadeusz Popławski
17 April 2019



The consumption of services as part of the city-forming function of health resorts 


The development of health tourism contributes to urbanization. The existence of a city can be the driving force of a spa. There are various developmental scenarios of spas in the light of their city-forming function. The spa function of the city can be read on the basis of the analysis of the space and objects constituting it. Sanatoriums, physiotherapy objects or facilities that provide thera­peutic treatments and their development influence urbanization. An important factor of the development of cities including health resorts is communication. The esthetics of urban space is a factor conducive to urbanization in the spa areas. Cultural events can be an important instrument for the promotion of spa towns.