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Part IV. Consumption of services — new trends and consumer behavior

Vol. 9 (2018): Wartości, moda, innowacje. Zachowania konsumenckie z perspektywy społecznej i ekonomicznej

Atrakcyjność hoteli w percepcji nabywców usług turystycznych na przykładzie Turcji

  • Katarzyna Dojwa-Turczyńska
17 April 2019



The attractiveness of hotels in the perception of buyers of tourist services: The example of Turkey 

The emergence of leisure time, as well as transformational changes taking place in Poland, meant that Polish tourists could start travelling to other countries for tourism. This article attempts to answer questions about what constitutes a high standard for visitors leaving, which is associated with their disappointment with the purchased offer. These issues were related to the country which for years was eagerly visited by tourists from Poland, and in 2018 returned to the top of the ranking of preferred destinations — Turkey. Research based on secondary data analysis has allowed the author to look at issues that have an impact on the tourist attractiveness of a given country, but first and foremost, it has made it possible to decode factors that are important to travelers and which are less important during a leisure stay.