Noty i notatki
The aim to the note is to examine two poems featuring the mountains — the Beskidy and the Pieniny ranges.
Both poems — “Z gór” (From the mountains) and “Spowiedź Dunajca” (Confession of the Dunajec) — come from an 1872 volume, Oderwane nuty (Torn Notes) by a forgotten poet of the positivism era, Aleksandra Korpaczewska (1849–1872). The image of the mountains created by Korpaczewska testifies to the poet’s romantic inspirations and fascination with the natural world. The poetic vision of the scenery she describes features topographic and cultural realities; there are clear references to various sensations, which play a significant role in the experience of the mountains. Their varied beauty is presented by various stylistic means — especially numerous comparisons and anthropomorphisation. Given the forgotten status of both poems and their historical-literary value, it is worth bringing them back from obscurity and devoting more attention to them in the future.