
Tom 16 (2022)

Kobiety wśród ludzi gór. Kilka refleksji na temat górskiej literatury anglojęzycznej

Agnieszka Irena Kaczmarek

Strony: 199-213



While Wanda Rutkiewicz’s achievements and her attempts to enter the mountaineering world are being more and more publicized, information about British and American women who tried to become climbers is not widely known in Poland. Thus, this article is an attempt to draw attention to a few selected female endeavours to enter the mountain landscape, which, from the beginning, was usually perceived as a male world rather unsuitable for women. Analyzing the selected passages derived from British and American non-fiction literature published in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, the author of this article seeks to show that, admittedly, men allowed women to enter the mountain world, yet in most cases women’s actions were not perceived as appropriate for female climbers.


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