The mountain as a realm of transcendence as seen in Lithuanian mythology
In mythological representations mountains are a manifestation of the central organisation of the world, its vertical nature, which in turn points to the transcendence with regard to the world of the living, i.e. the upper and lower world. A mountain is a place where meditation is possible — climbing a “high mountain” made it possible to transgress the boundary between the separated spheres of the Universe, especially when it concerned leading souls to the Kingdom of the Dead.
The symbolism of the cosmic mountain was repeated in various cultures and periods by specific mountains — real or imagined. In the Lithuanian mythology such a mountain was Anafielas.
Regarding the mountain as an area corresponding to what exists on the other side of the border of the world of the living also means that it can be controlled by demonic powers, though on the other hand the mountain reaching up to the skies is considered to be the abode of heavenly deities and paradise. At the foot of the mountain or underneath it there lay the land of the dead or was to be found the cosmic snake or the devil as the enemy of the Thunderer. This idea can be found both in Lithuanian mythology and in Lithuanian oral folk tradition.