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Tom 20 (2008): Tom jubileuszowy

Białoruskie formy adresatywne na tle polskich i rosyjskich

  • Larysa Pisarek
1 grudnia 2008


Byelorussian forms of address at the background of Polish and Russian

In this paper the author outlines an evolution of the Byelorussian system of the forms of address abbreviated FA in the 20th century. This system developed under significant influence of Polish FA system in the beginning of the 20th century and Russian FA system starting from the 30ties of the 20th century. Such forms as: 1. пан, пані, панна, панове, васпан, ваша, вашэць, панна Паўлінка, пан Быкоўскі, пан пісар, пан настаўнік etc.; 2. ці ясне-панна Паўлінка пазволіць мне закурыць пры ёй? the 3rd person Mode of Address were used under the influence of Polish. Russian influence was conductive to the distribution of such forms as: Улабзіслава Францаўна, Мікалай Рыгоравіч etc. forenames and patronymics; таварыш старшыня, таварыш Чарнушэвіч etc.