The style of persuasive speech based on the example of public speeches of ritual/expression
In this article the object of description and analysis are the exponents of the persuasive style of public ritual/expression speeches. It is the monologue realized by the speaker before the listeners’ group. In the first part of the article the author describes general principles of construction of this type of announcements, in the second, she analyses the speech of M.L. King which was given on 28 August 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial to a group of 200 thousand demonstrators demanding civil rights for black citizens.
The most important exponents of persuasive style of this speech:
1. actualization of the pragmatic frame of speech,
2. subjectivity and emotionality,
3. numerous parallel constructions and lexical repetitions,
4. metaphors used to construct contrasts based on the good/bad opposition,
5. numerous elements of estimation of that which was told.
Sentences are short, singular and coordinate. Subordinate clauses are less numerous, maximum two clauses — information is presented additively.