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Tom 27 (2017): Diachronia w badaniach językowo-kulturowego obrazu świata

Dwa oświeceniowe wykłady geometrii — dyskursywny obraz świata

  • Jerzy Biniewicz
13 czerwca 2019


Two Enlightenment lectures on geometry: A discursive worldview

This article focuses on the history of the Polish educational and scientific discourse. The paper examines Polish texts by Józef Czech — Euklidesa początków jeometryi xsiąg ośmioro, to iest sześć pierwszych, jedenasta i dwunasta z dodanemi przypisami i trygonometrią dla pozytku młodzi akademickiey Euclid’s six books on geometry, that is the first six books, the eleventh book and the twelfth book with notes and geometry for the benefit of university youth, 1807 and by Ignacy Zaborowski — Jeometria praktyczna Practical geometry, 1786.
The science of the 19th century is an area for gaining empirical, theoretical, and practical knowledge of the world. The paper discusses this problem in the context of methods which can be employed to analyze the image of the world. The author of the article presents the concept of discursive worldview, which is meant to enable the description of dynamic profiling of meanings in educational and scientific discourse.