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Vol. 28 (2018): Świadomość językowa w ujęciu antropologiczno-kulturowym

Szymon Budny’s linguistic awareness in the light of his writings and translations

  • Jan Kamieniecki
5 May 2021


The article discusses the relationship between language awareness and national awareness of Szymon Budny. The analysis of Budny’s language awareness leads to conclusions which, according to some researchers, can be treated as arguments in studies on his nationality option. The problem of national awareness is discussed in relation to Budny’s only surviving work in Old Ruthenian, i.e. Katechizm nieświeski (Niasvizh Catechism). This work praises the Old Ruthenian language, yet this does not ultimately prejudge Budny’s attitude to nationality issues. The issue of Budny’s linguistic awareness can be looked at against a broader background in relation to Old Ruthenian, Polish and biblical languages. This article discusses this issue by referring to various definitions of linguistic awareness. The analysis allows us to conclude that in the case of Szymon Budny, we can talk about a developed linguistic awareness, both in normative and cultural, and anthropological terms.