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Vol. 20 (2008): Tom jubileuszowy

Słowa źle obecne w polskiej leksykografii po 1945 roku

  • Tadeusz Zgółka
  • Halina Zgółkowa
1 December 2008


Words “badly represented” in Polish lexicography after 1945

In the paper we present some remarks on Polish lexicography, especially sub specie words or their meanings absent in vocabularies edited after 1945. The first category of such words lexycographic entries contains words absent in vocabularies, because these words are absent in the corpus of texts being base of building list of entries, e.g. words representing jargons, community and everyday speech, literary especially poetry texts, vulgar and abusive words and so on. The second category includes entries of encyclopaedic character especially geographic and ethnic names and adjective word formations made of them, e.g. Biblic names: Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Jerycho, Israel, Galilea. The third category contains unique words, used in only one text, e.g. jednorodzony lat. unigenitus and wspołistotny lat. consubstantialis existing in Polish translation of Credo or noun przebyt ‘staying’ from the Polish monumental medieval 14th century text Bogurodzica ‘God’s Mother’. The fourth category contains old words, e.g. names of handworker professions: bednarz ‘cooper’, kołodziej ‘cartwright’, stelmach ‘wheelwright’, rymarz ‘saddler’ or verbs nicować ‘to turn the dress’, zelować ‘to sole of shoes’. The fifth category contains words used with specific means, e.g. semantic definition of man according to Marxist’s, materialistic philosophy vs. cognitivist means