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Vol. 20 (2008): Tom jubileuszowy

Językowy obraz świata w gwarach (przegląd dokonań)

  • Anna Tyrpa
1 December 2008


The linguistic picture of the world in dialects state of the art

The article is a review of the publications that have appeared since 1980, and whose authors present the picture of the world as it is expressed in dialects and folklore. By way of exception two publications are mentioned, one from the nineteenth century and the other from the beginning of the twentieth century. The bulk of the items discussed in the article have been written due largely to the influence of the work of Jerzy Bartmiński, and they are connected with the Lublin Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych ‘Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols’. The articles and books have been arranged in the following subject groups: the Sky; Between the Sky and the Earth; the Water; the Fire; the Plants; the Animals; the People; Religion and Demonology. The enclosed bibliography of works dealing with the linguistic picture of the world contains 115 items.