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Vol. 25 (2015): Struktura słowa a interpretacja świata

Słowotwórcze i składniowe sygnały tekstowej reinterpretacji świata

  • Dorota Filar
  • Dorota Piekarczyk
14 November 2016


Grammatical signs of textual reinterpretation of the world

The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that the grammatical structure of a language is derived from conceptual models belonging to the linguistic image of the world. Grammatical categories are connected with historical, cultural, social areas of experience creating models of knowledge contained in the human mind. Every language expresses the interpretation of the world and make the interpretation possible; it is “the mediator” between people and the world. The conventional character of a language is specially emphasized in creative poetic texts; it is often the subject of individual reflection: a conventionalized way of expressing human experience may be dubious, provoke discussions, surprise or become the subject of poetic games with the language. The games with grammar creating new word formations, new syntactic schemas, using grammatical categories which are contrary to the principles of the language lead to the disclosure that we speak about the world that we see, not about the world that really is.
The article analyzes unconventional expressions found in present-day poetry. Such expressions prove that the poetic interpretation of the world is connected with the linguistic worldview but can also express textual re-interpretation of the way of thinking characteristic of a given speech community.