Prawo karne wykonawcze

Tom 48 (2018)

Populacja więzienna w Polsce po nowelizacji systemu prawa karnego ustawą z 20 lutego 2015 roku

Aldona Nawój-Śleszyński

Strony: 83 - 106



Prison population in Poland after the amendment of the criminal law system by the act of 20 February 2015

The article discusses the questions of aims and consequences of the change of the criminal law system of 20 February 2015. One of the basic aims of the amendment was to reduce the amount of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment. One of the ways to achieve this aims has been to change the structure of the criminal system with non-freedom-lose penalties. The amended Criminal Law works for two years.
Based on the analysis of the statistical data, it was found that during the period under review, from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2017, the structure of imposed penalties by the court has been favorably changed. There was a 33,5% reduction in imprisonment and a 29,3% reduction of suspended sentences.The unfavorable phenomenon is the increase of the sentences of imprisonment with the absolute execution at 2,8%. Favorable and expected changes in the structure of the penalties imposed did not transfer significantly into the reduction of the population sentenced to imprisonment. In 2015 was the imprisonment rate at 184.1, and in 2016 it rose to 186.4. The reason for this was the increase in temporarily detained persons in the prison population.

Zasady cytowania

Nawój-Śleszyński, A. (2018). Populacja więzienna w Polsce po nowelizacji systemu prawa karnego ustawą z 20 lutego 2015 roku. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 48, 83–106.