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Tom 7 (2014): Język polityki – historia i współczesność

„Misjonarz” i „fachowiec” — dwie figury implikowane przez „ja” nadawcze w polskich tekstach politycznych po 1989 roku

  • Katarzyna Kłosińska
1 czerwca 2016


“Missionary” and “professional” — two figures implied by the sender’s “I” in post-1989 Polish political texts

The author of the article discusses two figures of a politician emerging from two political discourses present since 1989 — ethical in its two varieties: “romantic” and “socialist” and pragmatic. The “missionary” politician, who is a central figure of the ethical discourse, frames reality in terms of ethical categories, applying them to spiritual matters the “romantic” variety — the politician is a “guide” or those relating to everyday life the “socialist” variety – the politician is the “father of the nation”. The “ethical missionary” places himself above “ordinary people”, treated as passive and having a sense of entitlement.
     The “professional” politician — the main figure in the pragmatic discourse — describes the world from an economic perspective. He does not rise above the community to which his message is ad­dressed, but tries to become united with it, expecting it at least to be active, if not make an effort in the pursuit of common objectives.