
Vol. 136 (2024)

Company collective disputes and the role of the State Labour Inspection

Pages: 135-149

PDF (Język Polski)


Available statistics indicate that there are still company collective disputes in Poland, but the number of such disputes has been changing over the years, which causes us to reflect on the current regulations in this regard, the possible direction of their changes, and to analyze whether the State Labour Inspection has the authority to resolve company collective disputes. The above issues are the subject of analysis of this article, since often the parties to a dispute turn to the State Labour Inspection with the belief that, being an authority established to supervise and control the observance of labour law, it can take actions interfering in the course of company collective disputes. In this article, the author asseses whether the above-mentioned thesis has legal justification, what are the expectations of the parties to the company collective disputes regarding the role of the State Labour Inspection in this dispute, and what changes in the legal provisions should be undertaken. Analysis of the topic leads to the conclusion that, apart from the employer’s information obligation to inform the District Labour Inspector about the initiation of company collective disputes in the light of the Article 8 of the Act of 23 May 1991 on solving collective labour disputes, the law does not grant to the District Labour Inspector or to the inspectors of the State Labour Inspection any explicit powers and legal instruments to influence the course of an ongoing company collective dispute.


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