Archival articles

Vol. 103 (2015)

Interesariusze współczesnej organizacji biznesowej — perspektywa strategiczna

Bartosz Jasiński
Jerzy Niemczyk

Pages: 245 - 252

PDF (Język Polski)



This article presents the stakeholders of a contemporary organization from the strategic point of view. This type of perspective gives the stakeholders a possibility of exerting the influence on the business success of an economic organization.
In the first part of the article the evolution of a stakeholder in the existing conceptions of an organization is presented. The second part shows the most current approach to the perception of stakeholders, based on the social model of corporations, taking into account past experiences, including recent years’ turbulence, in particular the macroeconomic crisis.
According to this approach, one should break with the current perception which favors only the suppliers of financial capital, seeking to meet the interests of other groups, including intelectual workers. In today’s conditions, when knowledge becomes one of the key factors of production, knowledge workers should also be treated as a specific group of investors.