Archival articles

Vol. 112 (2018)

Charakterystyka i sens normatywnego wyróżnienia grupy umów o świadczenie usług prawniczych

Pages: 181 - 198

PDF (Język Polski)




It is necessary to be in favour of both doctrinal and normative distinction of legal services contracts. Currently the differentiation in regulations of fundamental standards of providing legal services is too large. There is no sufficient explanation for different treatment legal services providers in rudimentary and significant issues designating the essence of legal services and their safety, regardless of the regulated or deregulated market. It appears that the deregulated legal services market should  be included in the provisions concerning regulated economic activity in the Freedom of Business Activity Act. The deregulated legal services market should as well constitute an exception justified by the public interest in a higher degree than by creation of qualification requirements, which are currently the base for distinguishing the regulated legal services market. It is necessary to consider formal submission of the deregulated legal services market to the deontology of legal profession. Fundamental standards of ethics and legal pragmatics should be included in all kinds of legal services, not only those provided within the regulated market. Sanctioning of above mentioned standards is undoubtedly in the public interest and for that reason their mandatory  application at least in the basic range should not be dependent on the affiliation to a specific group of legal services providers.