
Vol. 322 (2017)

Charakter prawny uchwał organów spółek kapitałowych na tle problematyki sporów korporacyjnych

Justyna Glinka

Pages: 17 - 30

PDF (Język Polski)



The legal nature of resolutions of the governing bodies of corporate companies against the background of corporate disputes

Controversies accompanying corporate disputes are detrimental to the confidence of trade and eco­nomic turnover. The legal nature of resolutions of corporate bodies in companies is an issue of cur­rent relevance which is intrinsically linked to many further aspects of corporate disputes, including appealing against resolutions. The said issue requires comprehensive commentary primarily because sometimes the availability of a particular remedy is governed by the prior determination of legal nature of the contested act of will.
Statements presented in doctrine and jurisprudence are not consistent in the presented matter. Taking into account the autonomous procedure of appealing only against the shareholders’ resolu­tions art. 249–254 or art. 422–427 of the Code of Commercial Companies, which is independent of legal nature of contested resolution, the burden of the problem, at first glance, focuses on the resolutions of other bodies the management board, the supervisory board and the audit committee.
However, when considering, for instance, the concept of non-existent resolutions, it turns out that the problem relates to resolutions of all corporate bodies. Not to mention the issue of defects of will, regulated in art. 82–88 of the Civil Code. To answer whether a flawed resolution is appealable on the background of the general provisions art. 58 of the Civil Code in connection with art. 189 of the Code of Civil Procedure, firstly, it must be determined whether a specific resolution can be qualified as a legal act.
The Authors of the article, beside presentation of dominant concepts on the legal nature of resolution, specify the importance of the said issue to the whole matter of corporate disputes and identify the most convincing solutions.