
Vol. 70 (2023)

L’approche diachronique en analyse du discours contrastive

Patricia von Münchow

Pages: 81-94



Starting from the observation that diachronic approaches are rare in discourse analysis and that synchronicity poses the problem of neglecting both the historicity of discourse production and inter-discourse, the author presents a methodological reflection on what distinguishes “geographical” and diachronic approaches in Contrastive Discourse Analysis. This reflection is illustrated by some of the results of a contrastive analysis of the treatment of National Socialism and the World War II in German history textbooks between 1955 and 2016.


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Citation rules

von Münchow, P. (2023). L’approche diachronique en analyse du discours contrastive. Romanica Wratislaviensia, 70, 81–94.