
Tom 15 (2024)

Zakres odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej sądowego kuratora zawodowego w świetle zmian wprowadzonych ustawą z dnia 1 grudnia 2022 roku

Strony: 199-208



This article addresses the issue of the amendment of disciplinary provisions in light of the recent amendment of the Probation Act, which came into force in April 2023. Attention has been drawn to the abandonment of disciplinary responsibility in favour of orderly responsibility. In this respect, an attempt has been made to clarify the scope of the professional superintendent’s duties, the breach of which may lead to disciplinary liability. It also discusses the changes that the legislator has introduced on the ground of disciplinary penalties, introducing, among other things, the penalty of a warning, while abandoning the previous penalty of a reprimand with a warning.

The summary draws attention to the need to re-analyze the provisions shaping the disciplinary proceedings of probation officers, so that they take into account not only the intentions of the legislator, but also the voices of the experienced probation community, which in many places does not agree with the solutions introduced by the Act of December 1, 2022 on amending the Act on probation officers.


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