For authors

1. Anglica Wratislaviensia welcomes submissions of articles, review articles, and reviews.

2. Articles should be between 4000 and 5000 words in length (including in-text citations, footnotes and references) unless otherwise agreed upon. Review articles should be up to 3000 words. Each article/review article should be preceded by an abstract of up to 200 words and 4-8 keywords. Reviews should be between 1000 and 1200 words (no abstract/keywords required).

3. To submit a manuscript to Anglica Wratislaviensia authors need to create an account on the journal website, where they can submit the manuscript in electronic format using Open Journal Systems.

4. From 2023 all submissions to Anglica Wratislaviensia are screened for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection software.

5. Submission and publication in Anglica Wratislaviensia is completely free of charge—the journal does not apply any fees for processing and publishing manuscripts.

6. On the first page of the article, information about the Author should be placed in the upper left corner and include the following:

  • Name and Surname

  • Affiliation: department or any other organizational unit

  • University or any other academic organization and country

  • Independent researchers should give the name of the sponsoring agency or the lab they have accessed, the country where the research has been conducted, the country of their residence

7. MLA style coupled with the requirements listed below should be used throughout the paper. A major failure to comply with this specification will cause an automatic rejection of the manuscript.

8. The number of footnotes should be kept to a minimum. For citing sources, in-text citations should be used.

9. Italics (and not underlining) should be used for titles of larger works, and double quotation marks for titles of shorter works.

10. Punctuation, unless part of the quotation, should be placed outside quotation marks.

11. For terminology italics should be used (please do not underline).

12. British spelling conventions should be applied but with -ize endings instead of -ise (e.g., finalize, organize).


Font requirements and formatting

1. Manuscripts should be submitted both in MS Word file, 2007 edition or later, and in the Portable Document Format (pdf). Images, tables, pictures, diagrams, drawings and special fonts have to be sent as HD graphic files. For reproducing materials that may be other people’s intellectual property or that require copyrights, a written permission is to be attached.

2. Times New Roman 12 and 1.5 space should be applied throughout the article; font size 10 and single space should be used for the abstract, block quotations, footnotes and references.

3. The text should be justified on both sides; all margins should be 25mm.

4. Page numbers should be placed at the centre of the bottom margin.

5. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 10mm.

6. All the major words in the title should be capitalized, centred, in font size 14, boldface. When there is a subtitle, a colon should separate the subtitle from the main title.

7. Sections of the article must be numbered sequentially, their titles left-justified and boldface. In titles of sections, only the first letter of the first word and of proper nouns and adjectives should be capitalized: The formatting of titles for journals (not: The Formatting of Titles for Journals).

8. Tables and diagrams should be numbered sequentially. Each table/diagram should have a title/caption below the picture.

Polish Authors may refer to University Publisher's guidelines for diagrams and illustrations at:

9. Words, at the end of lines, should not be divided.

10. Dashes should be shown as em-dashes, with no space before or after the dash:

To understand the work her favourite authors—Hardy and Eliot—she spent many years on research.

11. The following formatting tools should be avoided:

  • soft return (Shift+Enter combination)

  • hard space (Space+Shift combination)

  • page division

  • footers and headers

  • tabs and unnecessary spaces (e.g., tabs and multiple spaces for paragraph indenting, double spaces between words, unnecessary spaces at the end of paragraphs)


In-text citations

1. Parenthetical citations should contain author-page references:

Mrs. Joe Gargery “had established a great reputation” for her parenting methods (Dickens 11).

2. When the author is mentioned in a signal phrase or otherwise known from the context, only the page number should be given in parenthesis:

Dickens writes about Mrs. Joe Gargery’s “great reputation” as Pip’s older sister and guardian (11).

3. If more than one work by a particular author is cited, a shortened title (with the main noun or the main nominal phrase) should be given with the following punctuation:

Mrs. Joe Gargery is said to have “established a great reputation” as Pip’s guardian (Dickens, Expectations 11).

Dickens describes Mrs. Joe Gargery as a person with “a great reputation” (Expectations 11).

In Great Expectations Dickens describes Mrs. Joe Gargery as a person with “a great reputation” (11).

4. The rule of double quotation marks for titles of shorter works is also applicable to in-text citations: (Watson, “Green Fields” 47).

5. When there are two or three authors, all the names (either in the signal phrase or in parenthesis) should be included:

Autobiographical subjects, in order to situate themselves in the past and the present, have to rely on memory which is “both source and authenticator of autobiographical acts” (Smith and Watson 16).

In ethnographic methodology, cultural anthropologists distinguish “two stages: fieldwork, which is the term used for the process of observing and recording data; and reportage, the production of a written description and analysis of the subject under study” (Ashcroft, Griffiths, and Tiffin 79).

6. With more than three authors, the name of the first author, followed by the phrase et al., should be given: (Watson et al. 243).

7. When the name of the author is unknown, the complete title in the signal phrase or a shortened title in parenthesis should be given: (“The Bridge” 15).

8. While quoting someone cited in a text written by another author/other authors, the in-text citation should start with qtd. in:

Frantz Fanon writes about political leaders’ “passionate search for a national culture” (qtd. in Ashcroft, Griffiths, and Tiffin 92).

9. For interviews, the name of the person interviewed, not the interviewer should be given.

10. When a source has no page numbers (e.g., Internet sources, personal interviews, private correspondence and other unpublished texts), the name of the author only should be included or, if this is also unknown, the shortened title: (Watson) or (“Looking Back”).

11. When giving page ranges, the last two digits of the second page number whenever available should be given: 15–17 (not 15–7), 42–59, 178–99. When necessary, more digits should be used: 178–205. For page ranges, en-dashes (–) should be used instead of hyphens (-).

12. For more rules, please consult the most recent edition of MLA Formatting and Style Guide.



1. Quotations from prose:

Quotations shorter than 40 words, marked with double quotation marks, should be incorporated in the text. Single quotation mark should only be used for quotes within quotes. In both cases, typographic quotation marks (“,”) should be used instead of straight marks.

When a quote exceeds 40 words, block quotations should be used: indented by 10mm from the left side. (In block quotations, the full stop, or any other closing punctuation mark, should be placed before the parenthetical citation.)

2. Quotations from poetry:

Short quotations of poems (up to three lines) should be incorporated in the text and placed inside double quotation marks. Each separate line should be indicated with a slash (with a space before and after).

When the quotation exceeds three lines, block quotations should be used. (For punctuation and indentation, see section above, No. 1.)

3. Omissions in quotations:

Omissions within a sentence should be marked with three periods with a space before and after each period (without parentheses): “The story of the private individual destiny is always an allegory of the embattled structure of … culture and society” (Jameson 67).

An omission of a whole sentence or more should be marked with four periods, with no space before the first one: “I paid Mr Shylock three guineas a week for a tall, multi-mirrored, book-shaped room with a coffin-like wardrobe. … I thought Mr Shylock looked distinguished, like a lawyer or businessman or politician” (Naipaul 7).



All texts cited should be listed alphabetically in the References section at the end of the article, according to the following rules:

1. Books with one author:

Palmer, F. J. 1986. Mood and Modality. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

2. Books with one editor:

Seed, D. (ed.). 2005. A Companion to Science Fiction. Malden: Blackwell.

3. Books with more than one author/editor:

Ashcroft, B., G. Griffiths and H. Tiffin. (eds.). 1995. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. London: Routledge.

Quirk, R., et al. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.

4. Works in collections (by the author himself/herself):

García Márquez, G. 1972. “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.” In: Other Stories. Trans. Rabassa, G. New York: Harper, 105-12.

5. Works/chapters in edited collections/anthologies/books:

Yap, F. H., S. Matthews and K. Horrie. 2004. “From Pronomilizer to Pragmatic Maker.” In: Fischer, O., M. Norde and H. Perridon (eds.). Up and Down the Cline: The Nature of Grammaticalisation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 115–68.

6. Prefaces, Introductions, Forewords, Afterwords:

Byatt, A. S.1985. Introduction. In: Eliot, G. A Mill on the Floss. Byatt, A. S. (ed.). London: Penguin, xi–xlii.

7. Essays/articles in journals:

Howey, A. F. 2007. “Reading Elaine: Marjorie Richardson’s and L. M. Montgomery’s Red-Haired Lily Maids.” Children's Literature Association Quarterly 32.2. 86–109.

Russell, R. R. 2009. “Embod[y]ments of History and Delayed Confessions: Graham Swift’s Waterland as Trauma Fiction.” Papers on Language and Literature 45.2. 115–49. CBS Interactive, Web. 24 Mar. 2010.

8. Articles in newspapers/magazines:

Banville, J. 2008. “Erin Go Bust.” New York Times. 16 Oct. 2010. 39.

9. Reviews:

McGrath, P. 1995. “Never Did Spider More Hungrily Wait.” Rev. of Felicia’s Journey. By W. Trevor. New York Times Book Review. 8 Jan. 1.

Tayler, C. 2009. “The Emotional Housekeeping of the World.” Rev. of Too Much Happiness. By A. Munro. Guardian. 15 Aug. 2017.

10. Interviews:

Martin, V. 1993. Interview by R. Smith. Contemporary Literature 34.1. 117.

Gaitskill, M. 1999. Interview with C. Bock. Mississippi Review. Vol. 27, no. 3. 129–50.

Desai, K. 1999. Interview. Boldtype 3.2. May.

11. Manuscripts, typescripts, unpublished letters, emails (see MLA):

Chaucer, G. The Canterbury Tales. 1400-1410. MS Harley 7334. London: British Museum.

12. Published letter (if assigned, the number should be given):

Woolf, V. 1920. “To T. S. Eliot.” 28 July. Letter 1138. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Nicolson, N. and J. Trautmann (eds.). 1976. Vol. 2. New York: Harcourt, 437–38.

13. Two or more works by the same author:

Byatt, A. S. Possession: A Romance. 1990. London: Vintage 1991. Print.

---. Interview with Nicolas Tredell. Conversations with Critics. Tredell, N. (ed.). Manchester: Carcanet, 58–73.

14. Online materials:

Date of publication and date of access should be given (examples are given below).

15. Anonymous texts:

The entry should start with the title of the work and should be placed according to alphabetical order by the first word of the title, omitting articles.


Publication details for the References section

1. The following order should be preserved: surname/s, initial/s of name, date, title, city of publication, publisher’s name (see examples above).

2. If more than one city of publication is given (for one publisher), only the first location should be included. (However, if more than one publisher is listed, all of them should be given.)

3. The publisher’s name should be shortened, and articles, business abbreviations (Inc., Ltd.) and descriptive words omitted (Books, Press, Publishing, Publishers, House). The surname of the publisher only should be given (e.g., Norton for W.W. Norton). If more than one name is included, only the first surname should be mentioned (e.g., Faber for Faber and Faber).

4. The letters U and P should be used for university presses: Oxford UP, U of Michigan P.

5. List of references should contain only those items that are mentioned inside the article.

6. List of references should be arranged alphabetically and presented in the following way:


Brown, H. D. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Schachter, J. 2005. “Title.” Online address. Date of access.

Schachter, J. 1974. “An Error in Error Analysis.” Language Learning 27. 205–14.

Walter, S. L. 2008. “The Language of Instruction Issue: Framing an Empirical Perspective.” In: Spolsky, B. and F. M. Hult (eds.). The Handbook of Educational Linguistics. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 129–46.


Other common sources

1. Dissertations

Obtained from university:

Grady, J. E. 1997. “Foundations of Meaning: Primary Metaphors and Primary Scenes.” Diss. UC Berkeley.

Obtained from Dissertations and Theses Database:

Baker, B. W. 1978. “Black Gospel Music Styles, 1942–1975: Analysis and Implications for Music Education”. (Doctoral dissertation). U of Maryland. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database (UMINo. 0530134). 10 Feb. 2018.

2. Abstracts from DAI

Hijazi, H. 2009. “Comparing Online and Classroom Students with the Kolb Learning Styles Inventory”. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 69 (12-A), 4653.

3. Other materials


Smith, C. 2018. U.S. Patent No. 9,881,479. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Videos or DVDs (motion pictures):

Kinberg, S. (Producer) and J. Mangold (Director). 2017. Logan [Motion picture]. Los Angeles: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.

Online video:

Dufault, D. 2015, July 17. “Wolverines Are the Honey Badgers of the North” [Video file]. Retrieved from 15 Sep. 2017.
Television programs:

Brokaw, T. (Producer). 2006, July 23. Separate but Unequal: Special Report on School Desegregation [Television broadcast]. New York: NBC News.

Personal communications (email messages, interviews, lectures, and telephone conversations):
Non-retrievable information should not be included in the References list. In-text references should be formatted in the following way: Noam Chomsky (personal communication, 25 March 2015) indicated that… or: In a recent interview (Noam Chomsky, personal communication, 25 March 2015)….

4. Books online

An entire electronic book retrieved from a database:

Darwin, C. 1860. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray. Retrieved from Project Gutenberg database. 18 May 2016.

An entire electronic book with direct link to item:

Świątek, A. 1999. The Role of Individual Differences in the Verbal Aptitude of Advanced Learners of English to Perform Perlocutionary Acts. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu. Retrieved from 15 Jan. 2018.

An article or chapter in an electronic book:

Vogt, E. 2012. “Speaking the Inhuman in the Human: The Testimonial Structure of Language ‘After’ Auschwitz.” In: Wąsik, Z., P. Czajka and M. Szawerna (eds.). Alternate Construals in Language and Linguistics [Philologica Wratislaviensia: Acta et Studia]. Vol. 8. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej, 175–190. Retrieved from 15 Feb. 2016.

5. Articles, reports, information online:

Entire electronic technical or research report—available on the web:

Bennett, W. L., L. J. Cheskin, R. F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E. Tseng, O. Shogbesan, E. A. Knapp, E. A. Stuart, E. B. Bass, and H. Kharrazi. 2017. Methods for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity: Systematic Evidence Review (Comparative Effectiveness Review #204). Retrieved from Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality: 25 Oct. 2017.

Papers from the proceedings of a conference:

Leung, A. C. M. and I. Bose. 2008. “Indirect Financial Loss of Phishing to Global Market.” ICIS 2008 Proceedings. Paper 5. Retrieved from 23 Sept. 2017.

NOTE: The URL should not be underlined. If underlining appears automatically, remove it before submitting your paper.

Journal online articles:

New style guidelines use the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) which is an assigned alpha-numeric code that usually appears on the article or in the database record. If the DOI is not provided, enter the citation information using Cross/Ref Simple Text Query. The retrieval date is no longer required.

Articles with DOI assigned:

Daneman, M. and P. A. Carpenter. 1980. “Individual Differences in Working Memory and Reading.” Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 19.4: 450–66. doi: 10.1016/S0022-5371(80)90312-6. 20 Dec. 2017.

Articles from electronic journals (no print version):

Kövecses, Z. 2017. “Conceptual Metaphor Theory: Some New Proposals.” Language, Mind, Culture and Society 1.1. 16–32. Retrieved from 15 Feb. 2016.

Articles with no DOI: (include URL for journal website not database):
Boutsen, F., M. P. Cannito, M. Taylor, and B. Bender. 2002. “Botox Treatment in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia: A Meta-analysis.” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 45. 469–481. Retrieved from 6 Nov. 2016.

Articles—preprint versions:

Saba, W. S. In press. “Language, Logic and Ontology: Uncovering the Structure of Commonsense Knowledge.” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 65.7. Retrieved from 15 Feb. 2016.

Newspaper articles from an online database:

Palm, Matthew J. 2012, February 10. “A Raisin in the Sun.” Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved from the ProQuest Newspapers database. 29 July 2017.

Newspaper articles from newspaper’s website:

Goldberg, J. 2018, February 6. “Three Reasons for the Cult of Trump.” Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from 11 Feb. 2018.

Company information from a database:

Nike. 2015. Company profile. Retrieved from 13 Jan. 2016.

Articles posted on an open-access or personal website:
Richau, A. 2018, January 26. “The Introduction of Kylo Ren and the Meaning of a Mask.” Retrieved from 3 Feb. 2018.

CD-ROM publications:

Simpson, J. A. and E. S. C. Weiner (eds.). 1989. The Oxford English Dictionary on CDROM. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford UP.

6. Web sites
Website of an organization or government:

California Natural Resources Agency. 2018. “Protecting Our Ocean and Coast.” Retrieved from 3 Feb. 2018.

Personal homepages: (retrieval date is included due to possibility of change)
Hines, K. 2018. Homepage. Retrieved February 6, 2018 from 11 Feb. 2018.

Posts to an online discussion group or listserv:

Kellogg, D. 2015, February 11. “Re: Sense, Meaning and Inner Aspect of Word” [electronic mailing list message]. Retrieved from 3 Jan. 2018.

Blog posts:

Wallace, R. 2015, June 18. “In Praise of School Librarians” [Web log message]. Retrieved from /in-praise-of-school-librarians.html. 13 Apr. 2017.


Paper submission

1. Submitting a text to Anglica Wratislaviensia, the Author declares (by signing “Statement of Originality”) that she/he is the holder of proprietary copyright to the text, that the text is free of any legal defects, and that it has not been published elsewhere, either in full or in part, and is not currently under review at another journal.

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[ISSN 0301 - 7966]

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2. Upon submission, Authors are requested to attach a short bionote (100-200 words) with their email address and postal address of the institution of affiliation.

3. Articles, together with a bionote and a signed scan of “Statement of Originality,” should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0301-7966
e-ISSN: 2957-2339

Kontakt do redakcji

University of Wrocław
Institute of English Studies
ul. Kuźnicza 22
50-138 Wrocław, Poland

Editorial Assistant: Marcin Tereszewski


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