Książka i ilustracja w oczach polskich ilustratorów debiutujących po 2000 roku
Books and illustrations in the eyes of Polishillustrators making their debuts after 2000
The author has analysed conversations with the following graphic designers of books: Katarzyna Bogucka, Agata Dudek, Emilia Dziubak, Monika Hanulak, Marta Ignerska, Bartłomiej “Arobal” Kociemba, Marta Liszka, Aleksandra andDaniel Mizieliński, and Anna Niemierko. She discusses the views of young Polish illustrators on their own oeuvre and their motivation, situation of illustrated books on the Polish market and the significance of readers in the creation of illustrations. In addition, she tries to describe the generation of illustrators who made their debuts in the 21st century.