Українська дитяча книга кінця XX–початку XXI ст.: літературно-видавничий «портрет» на тлі доби


  • Emilia Ogar


Ukrainian children’s book of the end of the 20th — at the beginning of 21st: Literary and publishing “Image” in the historical background

The article is devoted to Ukrainian experience of chidlren’s book publishing in the context of the economic, social, cultural and linguistic conditions in modern independent Ukraine. The analysis of the children’s book market 1991–2015 presents some important quantitative and qualitative trends of the repertoire forming. With an increasing annual number of children’s book titles the print run has dropped in hundreds of times. Among significant characteristics of forming of the repertoire are the prevalence rates of editions of fiction especially tales, editions of applied developing character, different encyclopedia; the imbalance in the ratio of books for different age groups of readers; the growing percentage of religious editions, editions of modern translations of world children’s literature; coexistence of high quality book-artifact and low quality mass production, etc. The special attention is payed to publishing houses which formed national repertoire of children’s book.





