Автор і видавець у епоху цифрових комунікаційних технологій на прикладі українських реалій


  • Adam Lozinskij


Author and publisher in the era of digital communication technologies Ukrainian realities

The aim of the study is to determine some new functions and responsibilities of author and publisher in the context of digital epoch. The relevance of research is conditioned by the new phenomena, associated with the appearance of the Internet, which led to changing of the communicative roles of author and publisher. The development of digital technologies, the appearance of interactive books, online self-publishing services open to author horizon for new opportunities for the best implement of creative ideas. At the same time there is a series of challenges and problems for the author and publisher, because the Internet has a big impact on changing of the relationship between them. The digital era became the era of amateur authors and graphomania, because everybody can be an author and have a large space for self-expression. So the attitude to the author became not serious and authorship isn’t considered as a profession. In such a situation the question arises whether the author needs a publisher, because now the Internet takes over some of his functions, causing great damage to publisher’s professional activity. There are many examples today when the authors became famous and successful without the help of publishers. Therefore it is necessary for the modern publishers to expand their qualifications: engage not only in the preparation of the publication, but also its promotion. They must be active on the Internet, use modern methods of creating content, be able to pick the team for the preparation of a book and show that they can lead more readers than any other.





