Zmiany w systemie dokumentacji publikacji Politechniki Wrocławskiej na potrzeby Modułu Sprawozdawczego PBN
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
scientific output of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, DONA database, POL-on, Polish Scholarly BibliographyAbstrakt
Changes in documentation system of publicationsof the Wrocław University of Scienceand Technology in the context of data transfer to the Polish Scholary Bibliography
The article focuses on the Ordinance of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the System of the Information on Higher Education and its implementation at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology WRUST. Some organizational solutions and communication ways with the POL-on — the System of the Information on Higher Education were presented. Aspecial attention was paid to DONA database as the main WRUST source of reliable bibliographic and statistical data for estimation and comparison of the research performance. It discusses the way of publication data transfer to the Reporting Module of the PBN — Polish Scholarly Bibliography, especially: organization of work, modifications in DONA database structure, process of data enhancement, a new data range in accordance with the new Ministry Ordinance as well as data import details. A particular attention is given to information extension about authors, publication affiliation assignment to the university organizational unit, Open Access availability of publications, OA licenses and information about conferences. The main goal of the article is to present the experiences of the big technical university with agreat practical expertise in the field of development of the complex multitask information platform — asource of information about scientific output of the University. It analyses also problems connected with the data transfer to the POL-on System and discusses the important issue such as evaluation of scientific units in Poland.