Nie samą pracą drukarz żyje… Przedstawiciele zawodu w świetle humorystycznych jednodniówek okolicznościowych z okresu międzywojennego
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
dailies, ephemera, interwar period, printersAbstrakt
For a printer work is not the most important thing… Humorous printers’ one day papers from the interwar period
In the interwar period in printing and bookbinding 15.290 people were employed, which was only 0.11% of whole working population. Printers willingly joined together in unions and organizations, their environment had strong ties not only professional but also social. Testimony of those events were humorous dailies, which were printed in case of jubilees and regularly organized banquets. As aresult of the analysis of three interwar dailies from Polish digital library collection, it has succeeded to save social relations of printers who, despite many financial problems, were behaving with big distance towards surrounding reality; editors binding was included in investigated documents.