Przyszłość bibliotek i biblioteki przyszłości, czyli trendy kształtujące innowacyjne usługi biblioteczno-informacyjne w bibliotekach akademickich


  • Anna Wałek


Słowa kluczowe:

innovations, academic libraries, trends in library development, future libraries


The future of libraries and the libraries of the future — new trends shaping innovative library and information services in academic libraries

The development of libraries and their services depends on technological development, the users’ needs and socioeconomic conditions. Innovative libraries as the pioneers in implementing cutting-edge solutions lead the way in showing the direction of changes. The innovations implemented by libraries are aresponse to global trends, changing needs and users’ expectations. The article presents an overview of factors and phenomena which inspire libraries to use cutting-edge solutions and create new initiatives that will define the roles and responsibilities of the libraries of the future re­garding research libraries, with particular reference to academic libraries. The analyses were based on the research institutions and libraries’ reports which define the trends and recommendations in shaping the structures and tasks of the innovative libraries. The main document of this type is the report prepared by Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT defining the library of the future as an open and interactive library of knowledge which create aglobal network. The analyzed docu­ments describe the research tasks of libraries and highlight the development of research and aca­demic libraries’ responsibilities towards transforming libraries into cultural centres. The documents also emphasize the libraries’ social role not only in the research and academic community, but also at the local and national levels.





