Peer Review

Editorial Board Responsibilities

All submissions undergo preliminary formal and substantive evaluation by the Editorial Board. If an article is in line with the profile of the journal and fulfils the requirements listed in the “Author Guidelines”, it passes to the next stage of the procedure.

An acknowledgement of the submission will be sent to the author from the Editorial Board (acknowledgement does not imply acceptance).

The Editorial Board sends the submissions to two reviewers for a confidential and anonymous peer review (double blind). The reviewers are chosen by the Editorial Board (or together with the volume editor) according to their merit, experience and academic field. The reviewers can be external or from the Advisory Board.

One of the reviewers is, if possible, affiliated to a different institution from the author's affiliation.

The submission will be accepted if both reviews are positive. If the reviews diverge, Editorial Board decides whether the paper should be accepted for publication taking into consideration, if necessary, a third review. The final decision on the publication is taken by the Editorial Board (when appropriate, together with the volume editor).

Once the evaluation has been completed, the author will be informed of the status of the manuscript, which could be either accepted, in need of revision, or rejected. The list of the reviewers is published anually at the journal’s website.


Reviewers’ Responsibilities

The reviewers must take into account the general value of the paper, in particular its originality and academic value. The linguistic and formal aspects are also evaluated.

Reviews are made online through the journal website (Open Journal Systems), using an electronic evaluation form (evaluation form in Word) and must contain a reasoned and unequivocal conclusion about paper’s acceptance, acceptance with modifications, or rejection.


Authors’ Responsibilities

If the paper is accepted with modifications (minor amendments or a larger revision) the author receives anonymously the reviewers’ comments in order to add the necessary corrections. The Editorial Board reserves the right to propose, according to its own opinions or those of the reviewers, the corrections presented to the author. If necessary, the paper can undergo a further review.


Information for reviewers

The reviewers must ensure independence and impartiality. If the reviewer could not guarantee an independent assessment, he/she is obliged to disclose it to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board ensure both author's and reviewers' confidentiality.

The written assessment should follow, as far as possible, the journal review form, adding, if necessary, comments addressed to the author or exclusively to the Editorial Board, which reserves the right to pass on reviewers' comments to the author.

The task of the reviewer is to provide a constructive, critical analysis of the manuscript. The review must have an explicit statement declaring that the manuscript has been accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected.

The reviewers will take into consideration the general value of the article, in particular its originality, structure, scientific rigor. Linguistic and formal aspects should be also taken into account. Before the submission to the reviewers the manuscripts do not undergo typesetting and proofreading.


Acceptance and rejection rates


Manuscript Acceptance Rates

Manuscript Rejection Rates

31 (2023)



30 (2022)



29 (2021)



28 (2020)



27 (2019)



26 (2018)



25 (2017)



24 (2016)



23 (2015)




Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o.
ISSN: 2084-2546
e-ISSN: 2545-0980

Redacción de Estudios Hispánicos
pl. Bp. Nankiera 4
50-140 Wrocław
Polonia (Poland)



  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • Dialnet
  • MIAR
  • Linguistic Bibliography
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)