
Tom 15 (2007)

Decadentismo y antidecadentismo en la literatura europea del Fin de Siglo (XIX). El caso espanol

Roberto Mansberger Amorós

Strony: 67 - 77



Decadence and antidecadence in the European literature of the end of the 19th century. The case of Spain

The idea of “decadence” spread out around Europe during the two last decades of the 19th century and reached its apogee in France around 1880. The term of “decadency” eventually became specific and absorbed modernist tendencies, the English pre-Raphaelite movement, French symbolism, and German wagnerism. The article is a reflection on the concept of “decadentity” in the light of the works of authors such as: Florian-Parmentier, Théodore de Wyzewa, Gómez Carrillo, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Max Nordau and Pompeyo Gener.