
Tom 15 (2007)

La autoimagen de los narradores hispanoamericanos contemporáneos en sus comentarios y críticas del estado actual de la literatura de su continente: posboom, McOndo y cra

Nina Pluta

Strony: 241 - 252



The self image of contemporary Spanish-American prose writers in their commentaries and critique of the state of literature of their continent: posboom, McOndo and crack

Spanish-American authors of narrative forms who debuted within the last three decades set their own works in the context of the global mass culture. They try, however, to relate to literary tradition of previous generations. Most often they declare their dislike of trivialization of magical and irrational threads, which were significant for Spanish-American prose from the 1930’s on. On the other hand, they stress that they are heirs of artistic quests in the field of narration of the great writers of the boom period. Although it does not oblige them to take up certain American “great subjects”, such as social criticism or the influence of primitive religions of the continent on the mass mentality.