
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2016)

Wspólnotowe społeczeństwa a wzrost gospodarczy. Mechanizmy oddziaływania

Mariusz Maziarz

Pages: 35 - 48

PDF (Język Polski)


Community Societies and Economic Growth. Mechanisms of Influence

Recent econometric research showed that there is a positive correlation between collectivism of a society and economic development. In this article, I aim at analyzing the causal mechanisms that connect this dimension of culture and economic efficiency. On the base of the conducted meta-analysis of questionnaires, case studies and other empirical research, I coined the following four possible causal mechanisms that make economies of collectivist-oriented societies grow faster: 1 more efficient business relations among economic agents; 2 rarer egoistic behaviours; 3 increased security due to belonging to a group and 4 positive influence on innovativeness.